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Caregivers engage in many one on one and face to face interactions with infants. They are especially attentive, gentle and supportive to infants. They work with the parents through each developmental stage, such as new foods, crawling and walking. We provide a wide variety of equipment and theme based activities each day to promote their growth through play.



The toddlers are learners. They spend almost every moment trying to figure out how the world works. Our caregivers pick up and expand upon their interest. We provide toddlers with an environment in which to grow and learn. We stimulate the childs natural curiosity and give priority to the importance of learning and play.


2 Year Olds

The two year olds are involved in self-help skills, which will be reinforced daily through activities such as putting on their own shoes, clothing and potty training. At this age, they are great explorers and are allowed to do this through play. Play is a way children make sense of their world and it is the natural way they learn.


Pre-School 1

We provide opportunities for them to demonstrate and practice their newly developed self-help skills. Time is provided for children to play by themselves and next to another child (parallel play) to explore and exercise their natural curiosity. Children participate in self-chosen tasks and activities to practice and perfect their newly developed physical skills.


Pre-School 2

We prepare the environment so that it provides stimulating, challenging materials and activities for children. We provide experiences that meet the children’s needs and stimulate learning in all developmental areas: Physical, social, emotional and intellectual. Interactions and activities are designed to develop children’s self-esteem and positive feeling toward learning.

CCC Learning Center is now adding STEM to our curriculum!!